Wired UK “The unbelievable tale of a fake hitman, a kill list, a darknet vigilante… and a murder” FAQ

Chris Monteiro
pirate dot london
Published in
1 min readDec 5, 2018


A response to this recent article I did with Wired UK. This is the second major media I piece I’ve done about this specific hitman-scam string of sites, the other being the TV documentary CBS 48 Hours ‘Click for a Killer’ FAQ.

Thanks to WiredUK for commissioning this piece of artwork. That’s me on the left I think?

What do you know about the Bryan Njoroge case?

I can confirm the detailed in the Wired UK article appear accurate, however I’m unable to go into further detail at this time due to ongoing legal exposure issues.

Did ‘Boaty McBoatFace’ request a hit on ‘Bob the Builder’

Yes. Today both are persons of interest in the NCA interviews database. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Can I access BesaWiki?

Lol no.



Pirate, sysadmin, transhumanist, internet hipster. Researches cybercrime and Tor scams. Not getting paid enough for this shit